Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Super Zuo Modern Furniture

Sample Board Online introduces new eco furniture manufacturer, Zuo Modern. The innovative office, bar, dining, occasional, and outdoor furniture will be added to the new modern furniture lines available to order online via a shopping basket at SBO.

Some Zuo Modern goodies available 
soon at Sample Board Online
The Clover rug
The stylized clover rug is made of durable leather in bold patterns and has solid stitching created to be the centerpiece for any floor. The Clover has an espresso base with green and white floral patterns.

Jumper Desk
The Jumper Jack desk will certainly liven up any workspace.  It has tempered glass top and shelving painted in green with a silver epoxy coated steel tube frame.
Unico Office Chair
This high back office chair provides the ultimate in lumbar support. The Unico has firm leatherette cushion rolls for the back and a plush seat. The frame is comprised of a steel tube and the arms are height adjustable. The tilt mechanism is locking and height adjustable.

Balcony Dining Chair
This chair comes in the most modern of all colors, black, white, or silver. A mash up of formal and modern, it comes with a sophisticated bend in the back with a lipped seat, all of which makes a design statement and a good chair to sit in: the Balcony Chair.

Chardonnay Dining Table
Like an architectural tower, the Chardonnay table has a clear tempered glass top with a chromed steel tube center and a black solid steel base plate. The intricate diagonal latticing comes in both bar and dining heights.

Anime Dining Chair
Made of a durable and flexible Acrylic, this nouveau iconic chair stacks and comes in solid dye or transparent. The Anime is warranted against cracking for two years of commercial use.

Vex Dining Table
A thick tempered glass tops seem to float on sturdy leatherette with stitching wrapped base. With its interesting lines and unique stance, the Vex table works well as either a dining or work table.

Terrace Dining Chair
One of our most interesting chairs is a unique mix of styles and genres. This chair has strong curves and a sleek shape wrapped in durable and washable leatherette. The Terrance chair makes a striking statement of simplicity and style.

Vixen Dining Chair
With a blend of material and design, the Vixen has a very playful shape. It has soft leatherette back with a glossy painted plywood seat, all sitting on top of a chromed steel tube base.

Wilco Dining table
The Wilco table echoes some of the great Mid-century design with its tulip base and bevel edge round top. Its top is glossy painted MDF and its base is glossy coated fiberglass.

Taffy Dining Chair
This classic bentwood chair is stackable and durable. The Taffy chair has clean modern lines and an unmistakable silhouette. It has a bent wood seat on top of a chrome frame.

"Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.”  
Frank Lloyd Wright.


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  2. Spacify offers a wide selection of quality Modern Furniture to decorate your home.

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